Saturday, October 7, 2017

American Society of Plastic Surgeons national meeting


What a pleasure it has been to learn about all the new happenings in plastic surgery at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons annual meeting! A couple of pearls from the meeting:

*Social media use by plastic surgeons lags way behind use by other cosmetic providers, diluting the quality of information available online.  A recent study found that less than 20% of Instagram plastic surgery posts are by actual plastic surgeons. How scary!

*The ethics committee of ASPS is currently working to put out guidelines for what we should and shouldn't be posting on social media. Hopefully this will help to reign in some of what's been out there recently.

*Dr. Deborah Johnson is only the 2nd woman to serve as ASPS president- what an inspiration!

*ASPS teamed up with the Walt Disney Company to educate us on the customer experience. As Disney says, we don't call them customers, we call them guests... and that's how we treat them! Great lessons to take back to improve our patient experience.

*We have lots of new tools available to treat complex breast asymmetry.  Where we used to just have saline implants, now we have fat grafting, advanced lifting techniques, 3D modeling, shaped silicone implants, and more!